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Symptoms of some dermatoses manifest themselves throughout life (chronic dermatoses), and a number of diseases are temporary and are associated with the restructuring of the endocrine and immune systems of the body (in particular, dermatosis of pregnant women). Dermatoses are often congenital. Clinical manifestations of pathology may be present in a baby already at birth or develop in the first weeks of life, as, in particular, with allergic dermatosis. The cause of itchy dermatosis in children may be intoxication of the child's body even during fetal development. In infants, in some cases, scabies dermatosis is diagnosed with a predominant lesion of the skin of generic zyvox pills and extremities.

For adolescence, when there is an active hormonal restructuring of the body, seborrhea and the appearance of acne (acne) are quite characteristic. In elderly patients, as a rule, dermatoses of viral etiology are observed, as well as thinning of the skin due to buy zyvox pills online aging processes. At any age, against the background of a decrease in the reactivity of the body (i.e., with a weakened immune system), skin lesions caused by a viral, protozoal or fungal infection may develop.

According to the currently accepted classification, the following groups of skin diseases are distinguished. Infectious (impetigo and herpes), as well as non-infectious skin lesions (diseases of autoimmune origin - blistering dermatitis and epidermolysis bullosa) are classified as blistering dermatoses. The group of allergic dermatosis includes toxidermia, contact dermatitis and dermatozoonosis after insect and animal bites.

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Itching dermatoses include polymorphic dermatosis of pregnant women, as well as eczema and neurodermatitis. With mental disorders (for example, dermatozoic delirium), constant overstrain combined with self-hypnosis can lead to buy linezolid online of rashes on the skin. Separately, it is customary to consider occupational dermatoses, i.e., skin pathologies that develop in connection with the peculiarities of the nature of the patient's work activity.

When classifying occupational diseases, etiological factors are taken into account, according to which these dermatoses are divided into. By the nature of clinical manifestations can be conditionally identified. Clinical symptoms of dermatoses. For cystic dermatoses, the appearance of primary elements in the form of bubbles on the skin is characteristic. They can be small (vesicles) or relatively large (bulls). With allergic dermatosis, hyperemia and swelling of the skin, as well as polymorphic rashes (more often in the form of vesicles) appear.

Such a manifestation of dermatoses as pruritus is noted in 2% of pregnant women. The cause of linezolid pills is a violation of the metabolism of bile acids and stimulation of their release against the background of hormonal changes in the body (under the influence of female sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone). In the later stages, it can diagnose polymorphic dermatosis, due to a significant increase in the weight of the woman herself and the body weight of her unborn child. This form is characterized by the formation of large blisters on the thighs and lower abdomen. The appearance of the elements is accompanied by intense skin itching.


Dermatoses of pregnant women in the vast majority of cases go away on their own within a few weeks after the birth of a child, as the hormonal background returns to normal.

Atdiagnosis, the external examination of the patient by a specialist dermatologist and a thorough history taking to identify a possible etiological factor are of the greatest importance. Some types of diseases (in particular, dermatozoonoses) can be diagnosed already at this stage.


Since the appearance of many types of rashes is due to metabolic disorders and pathologies of internal organs, in most cases a comprehensive (comprehensive) medical examination is required. To detect metabolic disorders, a laboratory study of blood (including biochemical analysis) and urine is required.

As additional methods, scraping is used, followed by microscopy of generic zyvox material and transillumination.


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Diagnosis of individual dermatoses requires the participation of other specialists. For example, if you suspect dermatozoic delirium, you need to involve a psychiatrist. Therapeutic tactics and the choice of linezolid drugs depend on the specific nosological form and severity of the course of dermatosis. Both general drugs and topical agents for symptomatic therapy can be used. Medicamentous methods of treatment of dermatoses.

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